Sunday, November 2, 2008
Today Alayna made her debut at church (Kaw Prairie Community Church http://www.kawprairie.com/). She was of course a huge hit and her fans went wild. She loved the service so much she slept right through it, (sorry PD, I guess the sermon wasn't appealing to her).
This afternoon Alayna got to meet her great grandmother, Edna at her 95th surprise birthday party. Again, Alayna was a huge hit. She enjoyed the party so much she woke up just to enjoy some food then kept her eyes open just long enough to enjoy Aunt Jean's violin playing then off to dreamland she went.
She is growing so much (envision Lou Ferrigno as the Incredible Hulk) her preemie clothes are about to be a thing of the past. Tomorrow home health comes to weigh her again. If she has maintained weight gain like she did last week she will be discontinued from home health care's observations of her.
Jason goes back to work tomorrow so say a prayer for me as I undertake taking care of 2 children on my own each day!
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