Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.

-- Eileen Caddy

~97 years with my grandmother and a beautiful tribute to her life.

~Our sweet Charity found her forever family! 

~A fabulous social worker who is amazingly flexible and helping us expedite our homestudy asap! 

~Notary friends, who notarize then renotarized documents to be sent to EE just to make sure they are perfect!

~My passport arrived today!  WOO HOO!

~Our first documents made it safely to EE!  What can brown do for us?  LOL

~Friends and acquaintances who are fundraising for us to bring Dariya home. 

~An anonymous donation that will partially help us buy an I Pad to giveaway! (Watch for our giveaway starting next week & we hope you bloggy friends will blog about it for us=)

~Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that are worn more than eaten =)

Hope you have had a great week.  Don't forget to leave us a comment for what you are thankful for....


Sara Bell said...

Catching up on everything. First, So sorry about your family's loss. My prayers are with you all!
Second, yea for paper work! You just thought you were kissing it good-bye when you left the high school, but I am sure this paper work is much more exciting to fill out.
Lastly, I am so thankful for all my many blessings and this week it was that Lola did so well during her procedures! Thank you Lord!

Heather said...

Everytime I come here,I smile ear to ear seeing sweet Dariya's face in your header.Your beautiful daughter.I love the sound of that.

I have so much to be thankful for this week.Some of which I had to dig a little deeper than others to find but nonetheless there.Thankful that my son-law was accepted to grad school nearby so that means they will be 3 hours closer to us,which means more time with the 3 of them.

Thankful beyond words for the peace only god can bring in the moments where life seems so very heavy.Without Him and the peace and love He bestows,I truly would be lost.

Sending your love and continued prayers as you journey ever closer to Dariya.

Stephanie said...

Beautiful list of thankfuls, as always!

I'm thankful that so many Dumplings are getting homes. seems like everyday at RR another little one is on the My Family Found Me page. And so many people are advocating on their blogs. Have you noticed that??

patsy said...

always thankful for my girls and my jeffrey...and so thankful that so many cuties with that magic chromosome are finding their family :) and your dad and alayna doing the hand jive....cutest thing ever!

Molly said...

I am so excited that you have become part of the Reece's Rainbow family!