Friday, December 30, 2011

I made a friend take 2!

Back when Dariya started preschool at IDC I posted this post  about a typical little girl (A)  who was a peer model in Dariya's class that adored her.  Well, 2 1/2 months later we get a call this week from "A's" mommy asking if we can come over for a play date that "A" talks about Dariya all the time STILL.   "A" even sings songs like "where oh where is Dariya?"  How sweet is that?   Be still my momma's heart!

This morning we loaded up the crew and had a couple hour play date with "A" and her older sibs (Aidan was quite happy to have kids his age to play with also).

This little sweet 3 year old truly loves Dariya. Anytime Dariya wandered out of her sight she would be quick to locate her.  While we were playing outside (it is a beautifully sunny, winter day) Dariya tripped and fell down.  "A" ran over to make sure she was ok.  But, the very best was when Dariya told me she needed to go potty of course, "A" followed right along, followed by Alayna.  When Dariya went the crowd went crazy clapping and cheering and "A" said, "Dariya, good job I am so proud of you."    What a sweet encourager.

As a mother I couldn't be more blessed to have witnessed this little girl's love for our Dariya.  I pray as the years go on these two remain friends and that both our girls experience true friends like this often.


The Annessa Family said...

This just made my day...what a blessing that is to have such a sweet friend for her!


Elisabeth said...

Oh Rochelle, how this touches my heart! What a blessing both for Dariya and for A. I can't tell you how often I pray that God would bless all of our kids with good friends who love them for who they are.

Unknown said...

ok you just made me cry! xx

Kim said...

What a sweet girl. We should all be so lucky to have a friend like little "A".


Sweet Pea's Mommy said...

This brought tears to my eyes! I LOVE it!!!! May my little girl experience this as well!