Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring break sunshine

We were thrilled when spring break fell this week and the weather is forecasted in the low 80's each day. 

Sweetness of seeing these two walk hand in hand up the sidewalk (while I was chasing Dariya up the other sidewalk of course)
We took the opportunity to get out early and take in one of our great local parks.  Praying that with my trusty side kick, Aidan that I could manage two on-the-go preschoolers.  

We had the pleasure of running into our "favorite" UPS driver and having lunch with him in the park.

We count it as a successful outing, well unless you count that one time when Dariya got away from Aidan and was in the parking lot before I realized and could catch her.  Ugh!

Sunny mornings at the park make for sweet slumbers for two tired girls and some fun time for me to hang out with Aidan.
AHH, we do so love spring break.


Becca said...

Hehehe - I could envision your outing *perfectly!* What incredible weather you're having! It's in the 70s today, and prob. tomorrow, but then we're going on vacation to a cold, rainy place for a week. :-(

Stephanie said...

We are finally getting some warmer weather too!! Loving it!