While in Ukraine we learned that Dariya had a small patent foramen ovale or PFO. It is a small, flap-like opening in the wall between the right and left upper chambers of the heart. We knew this wasn't a huge concern but was one that needed to be checked out by a cardiologist once home.
After we had her home about a month we checked in with her cardiologist to learn that hers is very small and probably will never present a problem or need to be corrected but, he still wanted to follow her every few years just to check on it.
Had to wear our heart shirts Aunt Trudy
sent us from England for our cardiology appt! |
Today was her two year check up and we received great news again. Her PFO is so tiny that Dr. Kaine thinks that it will never cause her any issues, although we will still monitor her in 3 years then probably 5 years after that check up.
Yahoo for healthy hearts!
WOOHOO!!! Love the shirts too. :-)
J is on a 2 yr check-up right now and the doc seems to think he'll release him after that. He would have released him last year if he didn't have Ds. He has/had a PFO too.
What great news! Love the t-shirts from the UK! Perfect for the appointment I can't get over how well you have done with you chemo. I am undergoing dose dense chemo for stage three breast cancer right ne and you are an inspiration to me! I had just received a referral and was going to make my first country trip and then whamo! The BC diagnosis! Why me, why now I ad to ask. Hope you have a great trip to the beach!
Perfect!! Love the shirts!
Good news!
Just catching up on your blog. Sounds like everything is going well. Love it when the doctors give good news and we don't have to see them again for a few years!
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