Please excuse the chapped face, this was a couple weeks ago when she had a sinus infection but, it shows her lack of bridge oh so well! |
So after many suggestions via our ophthalmologist, other ds mamas and calling around town to talk to the pediatric vision specialists. I THINK we have a frame that might work on her. Problem is our great insurance (and I do mean great, it truly is outstanding except in this case) isn't taken at ANY of the places that carry these specialty frames. UGH! So with vision insurance that covers frames and lenses for everyone in our family every year we can't use it. Drat!
So please don't worry when you hear the blood curdling screams of sticker shock when I hand over our payment.
In happier news, Dariya had her evaluation and conference for the infant development center where she will start preschool and therapies next week. They were super impressed with her mad OT/PT skills and she even showed off a few words for her speech therapist. Go Dariya go.
We know once we have her seeing well she will blossom even faster!
sometimes you can order the frames and take them in and have the lenses put in. My friend ordered the plastic ones with the elastic on the back from her Dr only to find out her insurance did not cover the frames.. I think they were about 120... but you can always look online for cheaper or possibly used and replace the lens
Oh, she has such a sweet little face!!! Is there any chance to purchase the glasses and then submit the receipt to insurance? If you call them and plead your case? I don't know how all that works, but I'd consider that medically necessary to have those specialty frames...
These are probably they style that would work.... Compare the prices and look online.. Im sure you can find them cheaper if you know what you are looking for.. good luck :),or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1212&bih=609&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=7481778723601708655&sa=X&ei=aydMTrbBIO3ZiAKku-13&ved=0CGkQ8wIwAA#ps-sellers
Another possible idea is asking the places that your insurance covers if they will order these in for you, or if they can begin to carry that line. I dont know how it works- but it may just be worth asking.
Happy to hear that their might be a solution the the glasses and that she is doing SO well!
When you find some great ones let me know. I don't know about Arina's vision yet, she is so young, but you know her nose is even flatter than Daryia's! I fear if she needs them we are in big trouble!
Specs4Us won't work? Our double insurance on Addy don't cover her frames but they were only $120 and they were worth it!
That little bridge makes a perfect spot for a kiss! :)
So frustrating! Can't wait to see her in glasses AND hear about her experience!
Bridge, no bridge, no matter... darling as could be and you know, each time I come here I feel like Dariya has been with you for a lifetime. So effortlessly she has become one with your beautiful family!
found another link.. these are only 69.00
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