Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What is new this week?

Alayna continues to impress us with her laid back spirit and happy go lucky attitude. She is laughing so much it is really contagious and fun. She is holding her head up well and props herself up on her elbows and is attempting to lift up onto her hands now.

She loves music and wears a smile throughout class. She also loves the pool, she has no fear and is super laid back while floating around.
She is perfecting her roll over technique, rolled from back to stomach then she just kept on rolling in the same direction until she was on her back again. She is always good for entertainment.
Aidan is back to school this week and is bummed that he can't go to baby classes with us. But, he loves school and is Mr. social (can't imagine where he gets that???)

Please continue to pray for our dear friend LC, as she had her heart surgery this week. She has jumped over SO many hurdles but has a few yet to soar over in the next few days and weeks ahead. For her updates click here:

We are SO looking forward to LC's complete recovery as she is going to join us at the Infant development center for baby classes. YAHOO! The director of IDC is going to make a new baby class for us to be in as Alayna is the youngest one in her current class (most of the kids are over a year, some over 1 1/2 yrs.). We are thrilled that we will be in class with LC & her family and that Alayna will be with kids closer to her own age.

If you haven't heard this story before...Alayna was born on October 9th, LC was born on October 10th in the same hospital. Both girls have down syndrome and were in the NICU together. Some stealthy doctors and nurses helped us connect with Justin & Courtney (LC's adoptive parents), which was a complete blessing to us. We knew immediately that God placed these great people in our lives to help us walk this path with Alayna. We know that Alayna & LC will be close friends and look forward to them growing up together and having that special friend that is just like them.


Anonymous said...

You are oh, so right, Rochelle. I am looking forward to the days, weeks, months, and years ahead with lc and Alayna. I want to make a few of their tea parties. They are going to be great. I feel doubly blessed to have both of these little gals in my life. Smother that cutie with kisses from lc's nana cam.

Anonymous said...

Hello to our cousins Alayna and Aidan and our Uncle Jason and Aunt Rochelle! So glad to see everybody is doing good. This blog is so awesome because we get to keep up with Alayna!We miss you guys and can't wait to see you!


Leighton & Natalie