Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A farmer?

Alayna has decided the past few days that she is going to pursue a career in farming.

The early bird gets the worm or something like that.

My daughter who usually gets up at 7am has been up by 5:30 each morning all week! I thought it was just a growth spurt but, she isn't eating and going back to sleep she is WIDE awake and HAPPY! (I am thankful for her laughter, smiles, and coos that early because if she were cranky I think I would just hide my head under my pillow ~like the boys in the family do ~not mentioning any names!)

Unfortunately, it has knocked her off her schedule and she has been ready for a morning nap at 7am. WHAT? Just when Aidan decides to get up she is going down for a nap? Who made this schedule anyway.

We were SO pleased to have the magnificent LC and her adorable mom, Courtney join us in baby class today! Although, Alayna only having a 45 minute nap all morning was a little grumpy (did I say a little?) She wasn't happy with music, or playing on the floor and even poked out her bottom lip at the pool today...LC definitely was wide awake and taking in all the class.

I have tried to discourage the farming career as it is way too early for an old hen like me!

I talked to the hematologists nurse today (best I can I have lost my voice due to sinus stuff). The doctor is at a conference this week and hasn't looked at Alayna's blood work from last Friday yet. She promised a return call by Friday.

We also set up an appointment with Infant Toddler Services of Johnson County for next Tuesday. They provide in home therapies which we will use to supplement the services Alayna is already receiving at the Lee Ann Britain Center.

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